Two Gear Motors : Two gears motors are used in this project at the back side of the vehicle and front wheels are dummy wheels . if necessary we can use four gear motors for four wheels . Motors each will be rated in 100 - 150 rpm or it is otherwise called as Torque motor. These type of motors produces high torque and low speed for given input. Consider we have used two motors on the back side of the vehicle and front wheels are dummy wheels. The operation of these wheels is given below.

Here we have used HC-05 module type. As shown in second figure, the HC-05 bluetooth module is working n 26 MHz , LED indication which is used to indicate whether the device is on or off . And also indicates whether the module is connected with motor through arduino. In Bluetooth Module , the following components had used. They are, 1.8 MB Flash Memory
2.5V - 3.3V power source from battery or from arduino
3.CSR Bluetooth Radio 4.Antenna etc. The price of this device is Rs.300/- to Rs.500/- in India. Based on the seller and transportation charges, price of the device may vary. Online product buying not advisable. Motor driver IC : Motor driver IC is used to control the current driven by the motor. Because it will may damage the equipments.
This is the pin diagram of L293D motor driver IC. It can able to control upto four motors at the same time. if necessary, more than 4 motors can also controlled by the upgraded version of this IC. But this becomes more complex in circuit design and efficiency may get reduced.
Arduino Uno Board : 
Arduino Pin diagram
Arduino Software Arduino code for voice control robot using bluetooth HC-05 Android app for voice control
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